by ici-dev


free is the essential platform for real estate experts, offering an exhaustive range of essential tools for refined real estate prospecting. Discover how our Pigeon, Cadastre, DVF, DPE, Prospecting, Notes, Real Estate Meter and Estimation features make the management and analysis of real estate more agile and strategic.PIGETake advantage of innovative freelancing, consolidating and enriching real estate ads on the web to facilitate and optimize your property search.CADASTREExplore the territory with our interactive cadastral tool. Locate specific plots and access their details in a fluid and intuitive way.DVFOptimize your valuations with our DVF analyzer, providing a view of recent transactions to refine your value estimates.DPEAnticipate the market with our DPE filter tool, identifying properties likely to come on sale in your area.PROSPECTINGControl your portfolio thanks to a dynamic prospecting dashboard, giving a global vision and monitoring mechanisms adapted to your needs.NOTESOrganize yourself impeccably, take notes on your prospects and assets and view them on a dedicated card for increased efficiency.REAL ESTATE METERTake the market temperature in the blink of an eye! The Immo-Meter offers you a precise reading of the competition for a property, guiding sellers to adjust their prices for optimal positioning.ESTIMATETake your analytics to the next level with our estimation tool. Leveraging deep integration of data from our existing tools, this tool offers unparalleled accuracy and personalization for your real estate is the result of deep real estate expertise, designed by professionals, for professionals. Take your business to the next level with our comprehensive solution and refine every step of your process.